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Job Description

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Delivered By
Pastor Jodan Hines
Delivered On
February 2, 2025 at 9:30 AM
Central Passage
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians

Big Idea: You and I servants of God and stewards of God's truth

Main Points:

  1. . The Roles of Ministers (v. 1-2)
  2. The Judges of Ministers (v. 3-5)

Note from Pastor:

1 Corinthians 4:1-2 "Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful."

What is your job description as a Christian? The apostle Paul speaks to every believer today with this testimony of his purpose. Paul tells us today that you and I servants of God and stewards of God's truth. This is a heavy responsibility that requires a rearranging of our priorities to be more consistent with God and his word. This text provides a clear job description for you and for me as we seek to give the offering of consistent ministry for God's glory.