Ministries >


Dan & Karis Mapes (Baptist Mid-Missions) – Serving in Ghana June 2024 Update

Joe and Lisa Kotvas (World Baptist Missions) Updated

Stephen & Ednah Muindi (Baptist Mid-Missions)  January 2024 prayer update

John & Bev Leonard (Baptist Mid-Missions) March/April 2024

Dan & Karis Mapes (Baptist Mid-Missions) – Serving in Ghana March 2024 Update

Joe and Lisa Kotvas (World Baptist Missions) Updated January 2024

John & Bev Leonard (Baptist Mid-Missions) Updated January 2024

Stephen & Ednah Muindi (Baptist Mid-Missions)  January 2024 prayer update
Dear Beloved,
What a privilege we have to serve the Almighty God who created us, redeemed us, cleanses us, sanctifies us, and glorifies us. Although we are in this world, we do not belong here. We are pilgrims and sojourners on earth but heavenly citizens. But remember, we have work to do while on our earthly journey. We are to proclaim and to defend the true gospel of Christ for the salvation of those who would believe. Please pray that in the limited time we have on earth, we would be faithful in fulfilling His Great Commission.
May the Lord guide you to help where you can for His glory. Thank you all for your prayers and support in this ministry.
In His Care,
Stephen & Ednah Muindi
1 John 1:3

January 2024 Update from Dan & Karis Mapes (Baptist Mid-Missions) – Serving in Ghana

We were blessed with showers of blessings tonight as an unseasonal ran refreshed us. 
Pray for these Pastors and their churches
Berekum: Emmanuel Baptist Church –Pastor Seth, Brenyekwa: - Pastor Francis, Jinijini: – Pastor Steven, Anchor Baptist Church—Pastor Eric
Nswatre: Good News Baptist Church - Pastor Stephen Djon
Sunyani Good News Baptist Church - Pastor Ebenezer
Pray for the church in Wamfie to know the love of Christ,
Pray for productive follow-up visits.
Pray that the power of the gospel to be seen in the ministry here.
Continue to pray for our improvement in our Twi language usage
We trust that your days will have times of refreshment for you as well.  Thanks for your prayers on our behalf. 

December 2023 from Joe and Lisa Kotvas (World Baptist Missions)
Deaf ministry in Peru, South America.
Dear Friends and Family,
This has been an especially busy few months. God continues to be faithful to us and this ministry. As the Psalmist says in Psalm 100:4,
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
We are so thankful for all He has done and is doing.
More information on their website.

It was a busy year for Stephen and Edna Muindi as they made progress on Eldoret Baptist Church’s new building and started a new church plant, Northview Baptist Church.  As with most BMM missionaries, they distributed relief aid this year. But they also continued their focus on evangelizing, edifying, establishing, and educating believers through leadership mentoring, marriage counseling, youth activities, and men’s and women’s fellowships.

Christmas 2023 from John & Bev Leonard (Baptist Mid-Missions)
Dear Prayer Team,   And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth. Mark 1:38
CHRISTMAS:  ll Corinthians 9:15 tells us about God’s unspeakable gift to mankind. Please join us in thanking Him for this gift and for the great desire He has given us to lead many to the King of Kings.

December 2023 Update from Joy Akkermann
‘Tis the season to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to reflect on the past year, and to make resolutions for 2024!

November 2023 Update from Stephen & Ednah Muindi 
We will appreciate your Thanksgiving and Christmas Gifts directed toward the establishment of a Bible College in Eldoret. This is an important ministry endeavor that must go hand in hand with church planting work. Please come alongside and help in training the future workers in ministry for the Kenyan people. 
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, . . .for His steadfast love endures forever" (Psalm 136).
We wish you a blessed Thanksgiving Day coming up soon.

Sept./Oct., 2023 update from John & Bev Leonard (Baptist Mid-Missions) - Serving in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dear Prayer Team,
“And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name,declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.”
Isaiah 12:4    Walking, Wheeling and Working blog.

September 2023 Update from Stephen & Ednah Muindi  September's prayer letter for your update, prayers, and support.  We sincerely appreciate your prayer and support in ministry.

October Update from Norman and Susan Smith with ABWE in Japan.
Prayer Requests:
1. God’s timing for a return to Japan.
2. Energy and wisdom as Susan cares for her mother.
3. Direction and spiritual growth as Chloe, Cameron and Melodie look to the future.
4. Valuable ministry and opportunities for the gospel and disciple making while we are in the USA.

July and August Update John & Bev Leonard (Baptist Mid-Missions) - Serving in Sao Paulo, Brazil




Continue to pray for protection for our family, both physically and spiritually.


Summer Update from Dan & Karis Mapes (Baptist Mid-Missions) – Serving in Ghana 

  • Praise for two additional people who have become very faithful in their church attendance on Sunday mornings.
  • Pray for our church to grow to be good image bearers of our Father
  • There is a young man who has made a profession of faith some years ago, but hasn’t started
    coming to church. Pray for wisdom as various ones in the fellowship reach out to him.
  • There are several young professional men who are attending in shifts (i.e. off and on). We are
    not sure how well they have understood the gospel.
  • Our continued language acquisition

ABWE: Spiritual Victories in Ukraine

July 2023 Update from Joy Akkermann

This summer is flying by, but I am so thankful for the opportunities that the Lord has brought my way and yours to serve Him. It is such a privilege to serve the Lord!

April to June 2023 Update from Joe and Lisa Kotvas (World Baptist Missions)
Deaf ministry in Peru, South America.

Jun 6, 2023 | Prayer Letters
Dear Friends and Family,
“Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.”   – Mark 5:19
You find more information on their website.

June 2023 Update from Stephen & Edna Muindi (Baptist Mid-Missions) – Serving in Kenya, Africa
Co-Laborers in Christ,
What shall we say? For so many great men and women of faith have gone before us in church planting missionary work and global gospel growth ministry. With their great report of faith, mighty works, and perseverance in ministry, they did not receive the promise of perfection without us (Hebrews 11:32-40). We should serve God diligently knowing that some depend on us for the preaching of the gospel and faithfulness to our faith for their eternal destiny. We urge you to be part of Christ's great living witnesses for His gospel truth.

June 2023 Prayer Letter. We ask you to read each paragraph with a work of prayer. We need your prayers and God's leading in answering your prayers. There is so much to do here in the States and much more to do in Kenya. We need people to work in the mission fields, we need finances to buy, build, and base our ministries. Neither you nor us can do this alone. Come, let's do it together.

In His Care,
Stephen & Edna Muindi

John & Bev Leonard (Baptist Mid-Missions) – Serving in Sao Paulo, Brazil
John is a second generation missionary, and Bev grew up in a strong Christian home on a farm in Northeast Kansas. God's calling to the mission field of Brazil was confirmed to both of us through a missionary conference at Faith Baptist Bible College, along with a missionary apprenticeship survey trip to Northeast Brazil. How our hearts yearned to be able to make a difference in the lives of those dear people! Our arrival on the field in August of 1990 began our church planting ministry in difficult places. After an assassination attempt on John's life in July of 2005, God has graciously allowed us to continue on our ministry which has expanded to the planting of churches in South Brazil and even among the native Guarani villages. Reaching Brazilians with the gospel and producing missionaries is a great way to reach our world, as the Brazilian passport is accepted worldwide. One of John's favorite Scripture verses that describes his life well is Genesis 41:52 "...God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction."


Dan & Karis Mapes (Baptist Mid-Missions) – Serving in Ghana
Though we are both missionary kids, we were raised in two separate continents. Both of us accepted the gospel at four years old and surrendered to full-time service by high school. Dan trained at Piedmont Baptist Bible College and Karis at Faith Baptist Bible College. In the summer of 1987 we met and, subsequently, Dan departed for a year in Ghana. Through correspondence with Dan, Karis learned of the needs and challenges of ministry in Ghana. Upon Dan’s return to America, we were married and had the unified goal of serving the Lord in the country of Ghana. Dan’s strengths in personal dialogue, soul-winning, and discipleship, along with Karis’s strengths in hospitality, administration, and attentiveness to personal needs have been used by God since the start of our ministry. We began by planting a church in the city of Berekum alongside Pastor Seth Antwi, a disciple of Dan’s parents. Our time in Berekum sharpened our understanding of the importance of developing church leadership, and in 2017 we moved to Wa to assist in leadership development of the students and administration of West Africa Baptist College.